Our History

1960s-Current—O.C. White Today

  • 1964

    After twenty years of lighting experience with Sylvania Electric, Westinghouse Electric and then as a manufacturer’s representative for O.C. White, Robert L. May becomes president and owner of the firm.

  • 1970

    May patents a fume dispersing work lamp, continuing a tradition of invention at O.C. White.

  • 1980

    After nearly a century based in Worcester, the O.C. White Company outgrows its space on Hermon Street and looks for new facilities, landing first in Three Rivers, another town in Central Massachusetts.

  • 2019

    Today under its new President, Richard L. May, who has over forty years’ experience in the lighting field, the company has moved to its new location in a renovated (1922), 92,000 sq. foot brick building in Thorndike, Massachusetts. His sons, Richard and Andrew, continue the family-run tradition.

    Considered the World’s oldest industrial lighting manufacturer, O.C. White has earned an unparalleled reputation for the quality of its superior products and fixtures. It is not unusual to find the company’s early fixtures in antique shops or on eBay; while originally sold for $10, they now often go for thousands of dollars.