Our History


  • 1900

    O.C. White Jr. marries Helen Louise Burtis.

  • 1901

    O. C. White Jr. becomes president of the firm and oversees all operations until the early 50s. The company presents at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. They win a gold medal for “appliances for shop lighting” and other awards.

  • 1904

    Dorothy Burtis White is born, O.C. White Jr.’s first daughter of two. She would eventually sell the business in 1964 to the May family.

  • 1905

    The company buys factory property at 15-21 Hermon Street in Worcester, Massachusetts and establishes the O.C. White Power Company, a second business in addition to the manufacturing corporation.

  • 1907

    O. C. White Sr. dies from liver cancer. Along with his son and wife, he is survived by his one daughter, Mary W. Fuller of Worcester. He is 70 years old.

  • 1908

    Frederick Rall is appointed “New York selling agent for the White standard adjustable incandescent lamp fixtures.” He has offices at 16 Murray Street and 19 Park Place.

  • 1909

    The Mazda light bulb is released by the Edison Company, and the O.C. White Co. adopts it as a standard.